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SMARTEST have six main values that determine the path that each integrate follows: passion, authenticity, integrity, solidarity, excellence and transparency.


It is the value linked to emotionality that implies strength, it is the energy that infects the environment to obtain a synergy of collaborative work and the sum of wills to achieve any SMARTEST objective.


The differential competition value of SMARTEST. In a world where transparency will unfold beyond the limits of reasonableness. The originality and naturalness of the work environment should be permeated towards each project.


It is a value that is characterized by putting honesty and commitment before work responsibilities, seeking high quality competitiveness. Where it is a responsibility to respond for any product or service provided by SMARTEST.


This value is the sum of internal and external wills of the SMARTEST business organization, since it involves collaborators, customers, suppliers, consumers, etc., since relationships between people make it possible to achieve any objective.


This value is the addition of the outstanding actions in the human capital of SMARTEST on the administration of the company to achieve the expected results, considering quality management systems to improve in all processes and areas of the organization.


This value for SMARTEST implies confidence and openness of ideas for the development of the objectives, the communication towards the interior and exterior of the organization eliminates uncertainty and generates the synonym of honesty that must be developed in an orderly, committed manner and through a strategic plan.